What is Listahanan?
Listahanan or National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction(NHTS-PR) is an information management system that identifies who and where the poor are nationwide. The system makes available to national government agencies and other social protection stakeholders a database of poor families as reference in identifying potential beneficiaries of social protection programs and services.
*Ensures that social protection programs benefit those who really need the assistance
*Allows convergence of resources into poor families ensuring that limited resources reach them.
*Poorly targeted social services result in the exclusion of the poor and inclusion of non-poor
*Standardized and transparent targeting system can improve governance, transparency, and credibility of programs
Objectives of Listahanan:
•To formulate a uniform set of criteria for identifying poor families through scientific means.
•To facilitate sharing of high quality database to public and private social protection stakeholders.
•To reduce inclusion of non-poor and exclusion of poor in social protection programs and services.
•To lessen the implementation cost of social protection programs and services by saving resources intended for targeting.
Who Will Benefit from Listahanan?
The database of poor families will benefit public and private agencies engaged in social protection programs and services through the objective selection of beneficiaries in service delivery. The social protection stakeholders, as end-users, are encouraged to access and use data generated from the database.