Home for Girls and Women  (HGW)


The Home for Girls and Women (HGW) is a residential care facility which caters to children and women in especially difficult circumstances who need protective services and other services that promote healing and recovery.



  • https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/EeyDAAKOemA2Qs1ZTH5vlXyDwzHiWrnI5-5OAsQzkXCACJOwA9zfvy6b_jyjjeslBZuszoZO_YSFBIRyjY_LBKvJbDTeoCmMiOklEyvqpXzYvqG-BJX85NH6CC6IOeJXMUFizRX3whjkQghNuLQTo provide a wide range of services for the protection and rehabilitation of clients geared towards reintegration to the family and the community.
  • To protect clients from further neglect, abuse and exploitation.
  • To provide self enhancement and social life enrichment activities to enable them define their role in the family and the community.
  • To effect linkages with other agencies and organizations for effective implementation of programs and services.



The target clientele of Women In Especially Difficult Circumstances are the marginalized and disadvantaged women ages 18 to 59 years old. These are:


1.        Victims of Involuntary / Forced Prostitution

This refers to women who were recruited for various forms for employment such as receptionists, waitresses, entertainers, dancers, household help who are later forced into prostitution.


2.       Victims of Illegal Recruitment

This refers to women who were recruited usually for a fee for various forms of local or foreign employment but ended up being victimized, i.e. no job placements were affected or who were actually job placed but under exploitative / oppressive conditions (low salaries, long hours of work, etc.) and / or have lost their jobs.


3.       Battered /Abused Women

This refers to women who are physically, mentally and emotionally maltreated / abused for various reasons by husbands, other family members, employers, etc. This would include wives, daughters, household help, etc.


4.       Victims of Sexual Abuse

·          Incest

This refers to women who have carnal relations with their parents, siblings or blood relatives to the 4th degree of consanguinity.

·         Rape

This refers to women who have been victims of genital copulation usually accompanied by bodily threat with a deadly weapon.


5.       Women In Detention

This refers to women who have been detained for various reasons before a case is filed.


6.       Women Victims of Armed Conflict

This refers to women who have been traumatized due to death, displacement and disorganization of family members as a result of armed struggle.


7.        Others

This refers to women strandees, those who are tracing lost relatives and others who are in crisis needing immediate professional help, thus, preventing further exposure to exploitation and abuse.


8.       Special Cases

This refers to sexually abused children (13 – 17 years old ) who became pregnant of the incident and needs our protective services to the advantage of the subject clients.