DSWD XI provides 900K capital to livelihood associations in Magsaysay; DSWD XI, NDA fund 1.6 million milk project in Marilog, Davao City; BENE ON SPOLIGHT – Emelyn S. Abejar, CAMPRUWA EO70 SLP Association

DSWD XI provides 900K capital to livelihood associations in Magsaysay
Three (3) Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) associations of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office XI each received a seed capital fund amounting to PHP 300,000 for various enterprises in a ceremony held on 20 June 2023 at the Municipal Gym, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur.
The recipient associations are the Glamang Workers EO 70 SLP Association of Brgy. Glamang, TUFAWA EO 70 SLP Association-Bigasan at Agrivet Supply of Brgy. Tagaytay, and Tapicong Datalcolon Farmers EO 70 SLP Association of Brgy. Bacungan.
DSWD XI Promotive Services Chief Elizabeth T. Degorio led the turnover of the grants, together with Magsaysay Municipal Mayor, Hon. Ronie L. Sarande.
This effort is in line with the mandate of the Department in the implementation of the Executive Order No. 70 or the ‘Whole-of-Nation Approach in Attaining Inclusive and Sustainable Peace, creating a National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict and Directing Adoption of a National Framework’.
DSWD XI, NDA fund 1.6 million milk project in Marilog, Davao City
The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office XI and National Dairy Authority (NDA) Southern Mindanao led another ceremonial launching and turnover of P1.6 million worth of milking cows and equipment for milk production to the members of Marilog Dairy Farmers’ SLP Association at Barangay Marilog, Davao City on June 23, 2023.
A total of Php 1,232,000.00 from NDA was used to purchase high quality milking cows. Meanwhile the Php 420,000.00 seed capital from DSWD was used to buy milking and transport equipment like multicab, freezer, etc.
This partnership effort was made possible through the implementation of Zero Hunger Program, a priority program of the national government under the Human Development and Poverty Reduction Cluster wherein the Department is a participating agency. The Inter-Agency Task Force on Zero Hunger formulated a National Food Policy (NFP) to outline national priorities based on a comprehensive understanding of the problem of hunger and related issues, and to provide a roadmap for achieving zero hunger.
This is the second SLP association assisted by DSWD and NDA on a similar project in Marilog District, Davao City.

BENE ON SPOLIGHT – Emelyn S. Abejar, CAMPRUWA EO70 SLP Association
Life has not been easy for Emelyn S. Abejar, a member of the Mandaya Tribe from Barangay Campawan, Baganga, Davao Oriental. At a young age, she already felt the pangs of hardships with her family’s meager income from farming and eventually marrying into a farming man. Over time, they had to find other means to provide for her three children who were already attending school.
“Our life was very difficult because we didn’t know any other occupation but farming, because this has been our main occupation since we were children,” Emelyn shared.
In the midst of hardships, Emelyn and the members of the CAMPRUWA EO70 SLP Association did not expect the government to assist them. With the help of the 67th Infantry Battalion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) their association was formed which was immediately endorsed and addressed by the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office XI, through the implementation of Executive Order No. 70. Its 30 members were given capacity building activities and training to prepare them for business matters.
Along with the capbuild training is the determination of what project is suitable for their community. They decided to build a general merchandise or sari-sari store, to meet the basic needs of their community.
In November 2021 CAMPRUWA EO70 SLPA received their seed capital of Php 300,000.00 to start their store project. Emelyn, as the president-elect of the association, made sure that their paperwork was complete and that what was included in her proposed project was followed.
During the two years of operation of their store, they also received additional training and seminars from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Emelyn also said that the program was a great help in broadening knowledge. Through their project, she is able to help her family and provides convenience to their community as well.
“As the son and wife of a farmer, it was not easy to make a living every day. We endured sunshine and rain just to buy food and our family’s daily needs. So we are very grateful to DSWD because it not only helped us in our daily life, it also became the key for us to have confidence in ourselves. Because of the program, we realized that we can also run and develop our own business.” – Emelyn Abejar
CAMPRUWA EO70 SLP Association is just one of the many community associations SLP – EO70 has helped. Barangay Campawan in the town of Baganga is one of the identified Conflict-Vulnerable Areas in the Region.
Executive Order No.70, Series of 2018 or the Institutionalizing the Whole-of-Nation Approach in Attaining Inclusive and Sustainable Peace, Creating a National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict, and Directing the Adoption of a National Peace Framework was signed by former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on December 4, 2018 that aims to institutionalize the “Whole-of-Nation” to end the local communist armed conflict in the country. Under this law, the beneficiaries of EO 70 are also provided basic services from various government agencies. It aims to get the participation of all sectors to achieve the “peace agenda” of the government.