Social Technology

The Social Technology Bureau aims to develop and enhance customer-driven social protection technologies addressing current and emerging needs and issues of poor, vulnerable, and disadvantaged individuals, groups, and families.
Some of the programs implemented by the DSWD Field Office XI include:
For more details, please click below.
The Comprehensive Program for Street Children, Street Families, and Indigenous People, especially Sama Bajaus, is an integrated approach and a package of services and interventions to address the needs of street children, street families, and Indigenous Peoples living and/or at-risk in the streets.
For more details, please click below.
The program desires to reduce the activities and vulnerabilities of children and families at risk in the streets, address their immediate needs, and engage them in constructive, cultural, and developmental activities within a safe environment.
- Ensure children are in school and are not roaming in major thoroughfares through sustained developmental and age-appropriate activities
- Provide access for children, families, and unattached adults at risk on the streets to housing programs, basic social services, and capacity enhancements
- Provide opportunities for parents to earn, improve their parenting capabilities, and strengthen their involvement in community-building efforts
- Engage other community stakeholders in the provision of various developmental services
- Activity Center for Children
- Livelihood Assistance
- Educational Assistance
- Pasko ng Batang Pinoy
- Camping for Children at Risk on the Streets
- Community Reintegration (Balik Probinsya Program)
- Sampaguita Planning
- Cash for Work for Park Attendants
- Community Service for Children at Risk on the Streets
- Mobilization and Deployment of Street Facilitators
The Yakap Bayan Program model assists Recovering Persons Who Used Drugs (RPWUDs) to be socially functioning and maintain a lifestyle change from rehabilitation or treatment with the catalytic role of families, communities, and Local Government Units (LGU) service providers. It will be implemented by the Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs) and will weave existing resources of the LGUs, NGAs, and CSOs, adopting the whole-of-nation and community approach. It utilizes the continuum of care and prevents stigma through institutionalizing intervention at the barangay level.

- Provide adequate preparation/transition for reintegration among RPWUDs;
- Enhance the coping capacities of RPWUDs with the demands of their dynamic environment upon return to their communities;
- Facilitate enabling environment for the transformation of RPWUDs in communities; and
- Enhance knowledge, attitudes, and skills of families to serve as co-journeyers of RPWUDs toward recovery.

The CARe-ABLE Program is a community-based intervention that enables persons with disability (PWDs) to access available resources, programs, and services in the community. The project aims to provide holistic interventions to PWDs and reduce barriers to greater access to resources both from the government and non-government sectors.
For more details, please click below.
- Increase access of PWDs to social protection programs
- Strengthen the city, municipal and barangay mechanisms in providing programs and services for PWDs
- Improve capacities of PWDs for self-care and economic productivity
- Capacitate caregivers and communities towards appropriate care and support
Establishment of Barangay Helpdesks
A venue within the community for coordination with LGUs and other offices for faster, better, and more coordinated delivery of services
Support Services
Accessing PWDs and their families to health, nutrition and medical care, psychosocial services including assessment fees, mainstream education, livelihood, socio- cultural and social enhancement programs, among others
Capability Building
Values enrichment, capability building and skills training to develop self-esteem, improve life perspectives and address personal barriers
Strengthening Local Mechanisms
Establishment of linkages to public institutions, transport and business sectors, other government and non-government institutions to provide caring environment and support to PWDs
Organization of Community Volunteers
Organizing and capacitating caregivers and other volunteers in providing proper care to their PWD family member
Reporting System and Prevention Program for Elderly Abuse Cases
The Reporting System and Prevention Program for Elderly Abuse Cases (ReSPPEC) is a community-based project that strengthens partnerships and networks between and among the senior citizen’s sector, stakeholders, and partners to ensure holistic and efficient delivery of services to respond to elderly abuse cases.

This project shall develop a holistic system that will put into place mechanisms and necessary procedures and protocols to formally report, investigate, intervene, document, monitor, and provide follow-up services to victims of elderly abuse in the community.
The project also provides support groups for the perpetrators/abusers and treatment on ways to change their behavior. It has components for values formation and rehabilitation of perpetrators/abusers to stop the cycle of violence. This project will also strengthen family and peer support to prevent abuse among the elderly.
For more details, please click below.
To protect the rights of the elderly against all forms of abuse by having the knowledge in detecting elder abuse and ways of preventing it, and the establishment of local reporting mechanisms and referral systems in order to provide services for their full rehabilitation/recovery.
- To establish local reporting mechanisms in the management of Elder Abuse cases
- To capacitate the people in the communities
- To develop a data banking system on Elder Abuse cases
- Provide support services not limited to psycho-social, economic, medical, and legal to the elder abuse victim-survivor and their families
- To provide rehabilitation and support services for suspected abusers/offenders to mitigate the effects of violence
- Intensify public awareness of elder abuse through advocacy activities
Organizing and capacitating caregivers and other volunteers in providing proper care to their PWD family member