Foster Care Program

Foster Family Care

Foster Family Care
is the provision of planned substitute parental care to a child by a licensed foster family when his/her biological parents are unable to care for him/her temporarily. In general, the foster family is not related to the child. Foster family care as an alternative family.

Foster Family Care License (FFCL) is issued upon thorough assessment to the prospective Foster Parents. Issuance of FCL is based on the eligibility of the applicants in accordance with the R.A. 10165 or the Foster Care Act of 2012 and the Memorandum Circular No. 21, series of 2018 or the Omnibus Guidelines on Foster Care Service.

Who may Avail

Qualified Applicant Foster Family; All Provincial/ City or Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO); Child Caring Agency (CCA)/ Child Placing Agency (CPA); and DSWD Residential Care Facilities (RCF); walked-in clients.


1.        1 Copy of Original Duly Accomplished Application Form

2.       1 Copy of Original Security Paper (SecPa) Copy of Birth Certificate or at least Certified True Copy from the original

3.       1 Copy of Original Security Paper (SecPa) Copy of Marriage Certificate, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, Legal Separation Documents or at least Certified True Copy from the original

4.       1 Copy of Original Medical Certificate issued at least 6 months

5.       1 Photocopy of Income Tax Return (ITR) or Certificate of Employment (CoE)

6.       1 Copy of Original National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance or Police Clearance

7.        1 Copy of Original Barangay Certificate stating that the applicant is a resident of the barangay, the length of his/her residence therein, he/she is of good moral character

8.       3×5 inch sized Whole Body Photos of the applicant and, where applicable, his/her family taken at least 6 months

9.       1 Photocopy of Certificate of Attendance at Foster Care Forum

  1. Other Requirements based on Social Worker’s Assessment, as applicable.

·         1 certified true copy of Marriage Contract (if married), among others

Note: Other document/s may be required is/are necessary on the case management of intensive cases


1.        1 Photocopy of Certificate of Residence in the Philippines

2.       1 Original Copy of Letter of two (2) Character References from non-relatives who know the applicants in the country of which he or she is a citizen or was a resident prior to residing in the Philippines, *except for those who have resided in the Philippines for more than 15 years

3.       At least 1 Certified True Copy of Documents such as but not limited to Passport, among others showing citizenship

4.       1 Original Copy of Certificate of Travel Records

Note: An Alien must have resided in the Philippines for at least 12 continuous months at the time of the application.

5.       1 Original Copy of the Affidavit of Undertaking to maintain residence until termination of placement of the Foster Child/ren by the DSWD or expiration of Foster Care License

6.       Such other documents that the Department/Agency/Local Government Units may require

Note: Other document/s may be required is/are necessary on the case management of intensive cases

Foster Family Care
 is the provision of planned substitute parental care to a child by a licensed foster family when his/her biological parents are unable to care for him/her temporarily. In general, the foster family is not related to the child. Foster family care as an alternative family.

Foster Family Care License (FFCL) is issued upon thorough assessment to the prospective Foster Parents. Issuance of FCL is based on the eligibility of the applicants in accordance with the R.A. 10165 or the Foster Care Act of 2012 and the Memorandum Circular No. 21, series of 2018 or the Omnibus Guidelines on Foster Care Service.


Must be of legal age;

Must be at least sixteen (16) years older than the child unless the foster parent is a relative;

Must have a healthy and harmonious relationship with each family member living with him or her;

Must be of good moral character;

Must be physically and mentally capable and emotionally mature;

Must have sufficient resources to be able to provide for the family’s needs;

Must be willing to further hone or be trained on knowledge, attitudes and skills in caring for a child; and

Must not already have the maximum number of children under his foster care at the time of application

The relatives of the child shall be given priority, so long as they meet the above qualifications

An alien possessing the above qualifications and who has resided in the Philippines for at least twelve (12) continuous months and maintains such residence until the termination of placement by the NACC or expiration of the FFCL.